Thursday, April 23, 2009


This was right after a long 3 hrs at church. We headed right over to my Mom's for our Easter celebration and as the girls are running in to change I thought, yikes, I hadn't taken one picture in their dresses. Do you like Blake? He was too fast for me and had already changed. Oh well.

Too sunny, too hot, too squinty, still they were cute.
Might be my last year getting them to match, or maybe Lex and Mallory will stay the same size for years to come. Who knows.

Manny Bananny and Britty

All the kids. We missed Kyle!

Out of order, but this was the night before. The Elders stopped by so they joined the kids.
The Easter Bunny always hides the baskets in Mimi's backyard and we hunt for those first, then eat a yummy dinner, then hunt for eggs.

Brittan got the Thumbelina movie in her basket and a little doll set with it. She had been obsessed ever since.

All the kids got new goggles. Britty was cracking me up with them. She felt so cool to be like the big kids.

Funny girl

Goggle pictures are the best.

Blake was ready to dive in! Too cold still, and Sunday!

Blake tried the whole week leading up to Easter to get me to take him to Target with his own $5 to buy this Star Wars Lego set. Little did he know how good the Easter bunny would be to him!

We go a little overboard with the hunt. I guess we are used to more kids being there cause usually there are, but this year it was just Holly's kids and mine so they all got to hunt for a million eggs. All the big kids got 45 and the 4 youngest got 25 each! Dang!

We all put small bills in them too. Britty was happy to find a dollar. Madelyn got $29! We all tell her where the $5 eggs are though. She might use it better than Brittan.

Blake found the biggest candy egg! Easter was fun!


Steck family said...

Allison, okay seriously...... So so so cute in their easter dresses, they are to die. I wish I could've seen what Blake was wearing and I'm kindof obsessed with Lexa's hair in the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Your comments are hilarious! Hadn't even seen this post. The girls are beautiful as usual and I was also really impressed with Lexa's hair, after church. It looks like you just did it. She is so blondy blonderson. Blake is looking quite handsome these days too! Love the goggles. Oh, and can I come to the egg hunt next year. I might be able to buy a cricut cartridge with the earnings. He He.

Molly said...

What pretty girls. love that you had them all matching!!

Molly said...

Ok, I kept thinking, why does Brittan look different, then realized, she wasn't wearing a headband!! Her hair grew fast! and looks as cute as ever :)