Yep, you see it right. Brittan has a new do. It is quite possibly the worst child haircut I have ever seen, and I've fixed a lot over the years being a hairdresser and all. This one takes the cake though. My two older girls have done it several times to themselves. Alexa has cut her own hair at least 5 or six times, but never to where anyone could notice, a little snip here, a little snip there and then I would find it when I went to do her hair the next day. Mallory gave herself a pretty bad haircut two years ago, but it was totally still do-able and no one noticed unless they saw her at night after a bath. Both girls were around 4 to 6 in their haircutting years. Brittan is only two! The fact that she maneuvered the scissors so well around her ear, I'm surprised she still has one! The top 3 inches back is about a half an inch. The side has parts that show skin! It is so bad! We were having a quiet Friday night. Blake and Lex were at my friend Christy's house spending the night. Todd was changing the break pads on my car and Mally and I were watching Kit Kitridge in the family room while Brittan was on my bed watching a movie. She does this all the time and never gets into things. It had been a while since I heard her singing along to her princess movie so I called out to her and heard a very distant answer. I told her to come out and eat her "yoggies" (her orange cream yogurt). She came around the corner and sat just barely inside the kitchen, very far away from us. I looked at her and then looked harder. As I called her over and saw the chunks of hair covering her jammies, I just screamed. She was hysterically crying instantly saying "I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom". Mallory was crying, so was I. It wasn't a pretty scene. I put her on my bed and left her in there until Todd got home. I couldn't really assess the situation yet. When he got home, we went in. Hair EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!! So sad. I told her it was hideous and that she looked like a boy. Probably mean, I know, but I thought I was being pretty calm at this point. She just cried and cried. She didn't stop until she fell asleep. The next morning I was hoping it was a bad dream, it wasn't. It was even more scary with a little bed head mixed in. It has taken me several days to take the pictures. I just couldn't do it right away. I was too sad. Now, everywhere we go everyone wants to see it. Word travels fast in our small community, and the gasps, the "oh Allison's", and the laughing my friends have bestowed upon me tells me how bad and funny it is. Here is my mullet, punk, W.T. kid...........

Right behind the ear is the worst, oh and on the very top, oh and I guess everywhere is pretty sick too. This wet pic shows just how many cuts there were, tons!

The look on her face says it all. She new we weren't taking happy cute pictures. It might not have helped the million times I said how sick it was. She apologized to me many, many times on Saturday. Especially when I was showing someone her beautiful work.

So now we are back to this. Baby headbands for the next two years. Oh, I also cut the back of her hair off. It helps a tiny bit with the mullet look.

I guess we still love her.

If I didn't do every hair accessory imaginable, I would not know what to do. Megan rushed tons of crochet headbands over and luckily I still have tons of
lycra ones. Deb's fabric bands are really cute on her too. Thank goodness! I guess there are a trillion things worse in the world and in the big picture this is really quite funny. I do still think silly, bald girl is adorable!